Unity 4.6.9 on Linux

I can seem to find the linux version of Unity 4.6.9, I am using Linux btw … How can I get the Linux version of Unity 4.6.9 ?

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Hi Aswin_awien.
I am using Unity in Linux, too.
As far as I know there is no Unity 4.x.y under Linux.
First Linux release went out 08/2015 and it was 5.1.0.

I highly recommend to install the latest stable version, since the earlier ones are very buggy&laggy.
Later releases work very fine for me. (I am using Suse 42.1)
Its no problem to follow the course since Unity is very well documented and shows you deprecated vars,methods&functions.

Enjoy the course.



Hi phrobion…
Thanks for your recommendation, actually I am using Unity 5.4.1 on My Deepin Linux. it works pretty smooth btw…

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where does it hide ? I get only MAC and Windows buttons.

Hi Oppa,
It’s here https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/

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cheers ! I was browsing through blog post at unity3d.com.

Have a nice weekend,

Yup ! :slight_smile:

right now the latest version in 4x is 4.7.2 so, should i download it or shall i go for 4.6.9??

I have been thinking about taking the plunge and switching to a Linux based workflow, now that it is the beginning of 2018 what versions of Unity and best on Linux? Would I be able to follow along with this course if I do get a new system?

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