Unity 2019.1.1f1 freezes when I click play

As you can see here, for some reason when I tried having the starting waypoint be 0,0 and the end waypoint be 2,0 the program froze before it could start the game proper. The log you can see in the screenshot is from the previous attempt where the start waypoint was 0,0 and the end waypoint was 1,0. Why is it freezing?

Here is the code from Pathfinder if it helps:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Pathfinder : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] Waypoint startWaypoint, endWaypoint;

    Dictionary<Vector2Int, Waypoint> grid = new Dictionary<Vector2Int, Waypoint>();
    Queue<Waypoint> queue = new Queue<Waypoint>();
    [SerializeField] bool isRunning;

    Vector2Int[] directions = { Vector2Int.up, Vector2Int.right, Vector2Int.down, Vector2Int.left };

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
    private void Pathfind()

        while (queue.Count > 0 && isRunning)
            var searchCenter = queue.Dequeue();
            print("Searching from: " + searchCenter); // todo remove log
            searchCenter.isExplored = true;
            print("still in Pathfind while loop");

        print("Finished pathfinding?");

    private void HaltIfEndFound(Waypoint searchCenter)
        if (searchCenter == endWaypoint)
            print("Searching from end node, therefore stopping"); // todo remove log
            isRunning = false;

        private void ExploreNeighbors(Waypoint from)
        if (!isRunning) { return; }

        foreach (Vector2Int direction in directions)
            Vector2Int neighborCorrdinates = startWaypoint.GetGridPos() + direction;

                Waypoint neighbor = grid[neighborCorrdinates];
                print("Queueing " + neighbor);

    private void ColorStartAndEnd()

    private void LoadBlocks()
        var waypoints = FindObjectsOfType<Waypoint>();
        foreach (Waypoint waypoint in waypoints)
            bool isOverlapping = grid.ContainsKey(waypoint.GetGridPos());
            if (isOverlapping)
                Debug.LogWarning("Skipping overlapping block: " + waypoint);
                grid.Add(waypoint.GetGridPos(), waypoint);
        print("Loaded " + grid.Count + " blocks");



@David_Turull Try checking the editor log to see if you can see whats going on.

Editor.zip (888.3 KB)
Correct me if I am wrong (I attached the editor log in a zip file so you can check yourself) but I think that the editor got stuck in a while loop for some reason. but why?

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@David_Turull I looked at yor log file iā€™m not sure where the issue is i would take a look at where i have highlighted it might have something todo with your issue. Plus in the log file i see that unity is not seeing visual studio.

Lloyd Risper

okay I will try reinstalling unity tomorrow maybe that will help.

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Also remember that unity 2019 was just released a few days ago and there is sure to be unfound bugs. If your code is still not working like it should after a fresh install of unity 2019 then i think you should use unity 2018.3

Lloyd Risper

Actually it turned out to be a bug in my code because I forgot to change a few variables to match what the teacher had.

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