Unexpected Unreal Crash when Performing Trigger and Mover Asset Linking

Hi, I am currently on the Level Polish section of Crypt Raider and suddenly ran into an issue.
After adding the statue, statue stand, and cell side static meshes to my project and adding the Mover component to the cell side and the Trigger component to the stand my unreal crashed right when I attempt to play the game. The screenshot I include in this post has the crash report.

It seems as if there is something wrong with my SetShouldMove(bool) in Mover and my Tick function in TriggerComponent? This is strange though, because it works perfectly fine with the BP_SecretWall.

I’ll add my implementation below, but it should be the same as the one we went through in the lecture together. Also, just for reference I am performing game development on macOS.

Please let me know if you have an inkling as to why this is crashing!

Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 2.07.50 PM

Never-mind, I was able to answer my own question.

Although I SetMover() in the level blueprint, I neglected to compile afterwards.
Therefore whenever I began play testing, the Mover was never set and linked to the trigger component.
I think going forward in my code, I’ll use a null check to ensure the safety of my variables and to print an error message if it hasn’t been done correctly.

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