Undo redo might be useful to mention in this lecture

I’m at the logo face portion of the godot course. It might be useful to mention the undo redo functionality working as expected on ctrl z and crtl shift z as in many applications. I don’t know if godot has a limited number of undos that can be changed, and incremental autosave functionality as photoshop has, for example; would also be useful to know at this point, wherein students will potentially spend hours messing around with a design.

In addition to that, dragging the nodes on the left reorders which is on top, being that the last created is always on top by default.

Can confirm guidelines can be dragged from the ruler as in photoshop and back out from the ruler margins. A search in settings did not reveal autosave functionality. There is a text editor undo size setting. Ctrl drag snaps guidelines to edges of objects on screen, even if outside of the “indigo” rectangle (sadly not to center), and objects on screen at pivot points to said guidelines.

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