Unassegned Reference Exception on Finish Line particle system

Hi everyone! :slight_smile:
I’m trying to make the finish line particles work but when I reach the line with Berry the game crushes due to this error:


As you can see from the next image, the Particle System is linked to the serialized field


Here’s the FinishLine script:

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class FinishLine : MonoBehaviour


[SerializeField] float reloadDelay = 1f;

[SerializeField] ParticleSystem finishEffect;

 void OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D other){

    if(other.tag == "Player"){


        Invoke("ReloadScene", reloadDelay);



void ReloadScene(){




Thanks for the help!

All of this looks good. Check your scene and make sure there isn’t another object with a FinishLine script on it

Feel so dumb, I linked the script on both the finish line object and the child with the sprite.
Thanks for the answer! :slight_smile:

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