Unable to see the fake sky in my render

Hi team, Im trying to create a fake sky in one of my first works but when i use the view active camera it does not see or recognize the plane acting as a fake sky though in the 3d viewer where i work is clearly visible. Once i render it only show a white background for some reasons. Does anyone knows what could be?

Can be anything ā€¦

  • Does your SKY plane point the correct direction? Faces do have only one visible side (where the normal lives). Rotate plane around the z-ax, 180 degrees.

  • I can be that it reflects the white lamp light strongly. But you should see some gradient colouring then.

  • You accidentally activated an option, whereby the object (SKY) is not rendered.

thanks for the tip!

Did you by any chance set a viewport display color for the material of the sky instead of the proper shader?

This cube looks light blue because Iā€™m currently in solid mode viewport rendering (the circle at the top), if I switch to either material or render preview (the two options on the right of the highlighted one) it turns white (or light gray, depending on the lighting setup)

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