Unable to edit mesh or launchplast from editor when default

I see that Ben can click on his mesh and edit it in the blueprint editor, but I can’t.

I have the exact same code, but inherited default subobjects are not blue print available, even with “Visible anywhere”, which just seems to add “Components -> Collision Mesh” etc to my BP class.
The only way I can get this is by not created default, but by adding them as components directly.

What setting can I use to get to this same place?

Could you give us a little background. How have you started your project? What objects are you having trouble with?

Sorry for wasting time asking this question.

Solution: resetting the project.

Very often I get BP things not popping up correctly until I reset the project. This was another one of those cases. I’ll make sure to test a bit more before asking questions in here!

It looks like this is a bug. I was having the same issue and tried your suggestion of resetting the project - that did not work for me. Google lead me to this page on the unrealengine forum :https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/443582/c-derived-blueprint-inherited-component-properties.html

The suggestion there was to comment out the lines where the DefaultSuboobject is created , compile, then uncomment the lines and compile again. That worked for me.

Issues like this are frustrating to say the least, but luckily there’s a simple work around …

Screen shot attached to show what the bug looks like in the editor.


Yes this is exactly what I saw! Thank you for confirming. It looks like there may be multiple solutions which is good.

he suggestion there was to comment out the lines where the DefaultSuboobject is created , compile, then uncomment the lines and compile again. That worked for me.

Same issue for me,
Thank you for the solution .

This is still a valid solution as of Unreal Engine 4.17.2, thank you for posting your findings, I’d still be scratching my head otherwise!

Working for v19.2 too. thanks!

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