Unable to download Medieval Dungeon Pack for my project on Linux


I have a Pop OS/Ubuntu/Linux running on a Bonobo WS Extreme 2013 765m GPU 8-core machine. There is no Linux version of Epic Games Launcher, so I have to download it from my web browser on the Epic Games Marketplace. I tried downloading it on brave and chromium but it doesn’t work on either.

The video only gives instructions for Mac and Windows. Could you provide instructions for Linux also?

What should I do? How can I import the Medieval Dungeon pack on Linux?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am a 12 year old trying to learn game programming with your Unreal course and really want to progress.

There is a blog post on how to get the launcher here


Thanks for the tutorial! I followed it and got the Epic Games Store.

How do I move my current installation of Unreal Engine that was built from source manually into the epic-games-store so that it can detect it? Do I have to reinstall it and delete my current install built from source?

Thanks for your help @DanM .

Thanks @DanM I reinstalled UE4 and it worked.

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