Unable to create the same visual effect in the editor

The instructor is able to create a nice looking trail while moving the GameObject while I only get the same effect when moving the Trail object itself. Also for some reason the trail is not refreshing at all while I have the always refresh on.

These are my views
While moving the Trail object ( inside the BulletProjectile GameObject )

While moving the BulletProjectile GameObject which contains the Trail object

This is the view of the instructor ( he is moving the GameObject )

Also I have a Trail Renderer in my Scene view which I cannot see in the instructors screen. Do I have the wrong Trail effect?

Unity version is: 2022.2.1f1 ( one minor version up from the instructor )

Hmm that’s odd, with the Always Refresh option toggled the Scene view should be constantly updating.
Is the Trail a child of the bullet game object? If so then yes when moving the parent you should be able to see the trail.
But more importantly, what does it look like while the game is running? Perhaps it’s just a strange visual bug in the Scene view and looks correct when playing. If so then it’s a bit annoying but you should be able to get the same result in game.

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SOLVED but why I don’t know

The trail looks perfect in Game mode, but it is not disappearing as expected.

I even resetted the Trail Renderer to default setting and this is also not working. Restarted Unity to see if there is any issue there.
Created a new project and only implemented the trail this seem to work
Created in the original project a new gameobject with a new trail. This worked
Deleted the original trail ( not the gameobject ) and recreate the trail, this worked also.

So my conclusion is Gremlins, those damm monkey like gremlins ! :wink:

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I would love to say these sorts of things never happen in Unity, but that would be totally untrue. Sometimes deleting the offending object and recreating it turns out to be the solution.

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