Unable to access end of the video

Hi everyone,
for some reason I am unable to watch the end section of this section’s video. The video just stops and all I hear is noise while the video’s timeline continues. This happens at about 16:15 / 19:53. I tried accessing it after clearing my browser’s files, with different browsers and on a different machine with no luck.

Since it’s not that much material I am missing and all other videos work ok, would someone mind bringing me up to date with what’s going on in the specific section?

Thank you in advance :wink:

Currently having the same problem ! :sweat:

You can check the diff on https://github.com/UnrealCourse/05_TestingGrounds/commit/46ee9777333e76a350699d90dcd6cf677fffc19b

@ben is re-uploading this lecture too fix that.

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@Thelmarr just to confirm this has been fixed for a few days now, and we appreciate you bringing it to our attention.

Well done getting this far in the course, and enjoy the rest of it.



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