UE5 enhanced input change defaults

I’m developping on a french (Belgium) keyboard and would like to change the default settings of the input mapping to allow ZQSD input bindgs instead of the WASD default in the project. I managed to do it for the editor but for in the game itself.
I looked around and found that since v5.2 of the Engine, UE is using enhanced input as a default, and it seems to be overly complicated, if not impossible, to find where the default mapping of the keyboard is set. I tried different method but never succeeded.
Can somebody point me in the right direction?

So, with enhanced input you bind not to the key but to the Input Action. Then, you use an input mapping context to define what these keys are.

The bit I’m guessing you’re struggling with is actually detecting whether or not the keyboard is azerty or querty and choose the correct context to add. They only thing I’ve found is the following:

Setting up Unreal Engine to work with AZERTY and QWERTY keyboard input :keyboard: (youtube.com)

This is based on UE4. An alternative approach is to add a toggle on the menu to switch between layouts.

Thank you for your answer.
The main thing I’m struggling with is where the input mapping configuration is in my current project. I’m in chapter 2 of the C++ UE5 course and I created a blank project with starter content checked, and the controls are automatically configured, but I can’t find where because the input section is mostly empty in the project settings.
I guess I can start creating controls from scratch, but it will interefere with the existing ones and I don’t see how I could disable them!
And all tutorials I find are for pre-enhanced input like the one you linked to. I find very little information about enhanced inputs online because it is so recent.

Which project are you basing it on? It should be possible to apply a filter in the content browser to locate the mapping context.

It is a blank project, but there is an option to include starter content when creating the project to include a few maps and props. I think it is therein, but I don’t see anything related to input in the content browser.

The starter pawn for any project is built into the engine so I wouldn’t know how to change the keyboard for that.

There would be no mapping context there. I imagine the settings may be in the editor settings or the project settings for this but I can’t be sure. Sorry.

It was in the project settings in the past versions, but it isn’t anymore now, which is why I’m a bit lost.
Thank you for taking the time to answer anyway.
I’ll park this issue for now and spend some time on it later I guess…

Normally you wouldn’t be using this pawn so it becomes a non-issue once you get started implementing your own stuff. I hope this makes sense.

It does makes sense, so it is ok I guess. It is just annoying when I test, but I can live with it…

Just a thought, but have you asked on the discord? I’m pretty sure others will have had an issue and may have a solution to share.

Ha yes, I will look for the info there, thank you!

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