UE5 Code error '<function-style-cast>': cannot convert from 'const From *'

Error - ‘’: cannot convert from ‘const From *’ to ‘TStringConversion<TStringConvert<From,To>,128>’

When running ObstacleAssualtEditor Win64 Development Build

Please see this post: Compiling issue. UE5.3 - #2 by DanM

I had looked over this post before and totally missed the “Individual Components” tab. Thanks for the repost i caught it this time and it builds successfully. Thank you very much!

Thanks so much for this post! Following DanM’s link above solved the issue for me. I had the exact same error message in the StringConv.h file. I am using UE 5.0 with VisualStudio 17.9. After installing MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools and adding the version 14.38.33135 in the BuildConfiguration.xml, I was able to build and open up UE.

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