UE5 C++ Visual Studio Intergration Errors

I have been useing unity for a while and just recently switched back to UE5. I forgot the hundreds of errors that you get with Visual Studio 2022 and Unreal. I was working on my project for a while and now I can’t open it because it wont build due to all these errors.
What am I missing, I have factory reset my PC and fresh installed UE5.4.4 as well as VS2022

I have never ever been able to get this rid of all errors and warnings. I don’t understand how people can even use UE5 with C++ without things going wrong. Whats the secret every seems to know but me?

Here are some of the errors related to NuGet packages.

Quick note: I have tryed restoring/clearing all NuGet Storage.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Unreal needs the following to be installed.

MSVC 14.38 (remove any newer versions)
Microsoft. Net 4.8
Dotnet 8 (6 for older versions)
The latest windows 11 sdk.
Some tools I noticed asked for atl and mfc as well, also relating to 14.38

This is really important that you use this version. Give that a try to start with anyway.

I installed all those packages though VS installer. Howerever, I don’t think it was the main problem because I have the same amount of errors and warnings. Many .dll files cound not be found. It seems to be from DotNET and net6.0(which is installed).

I wonder if something do do with dotnet is the main problem.

Are you trying to create a linux build?

No, I am just trying to build the source files so I can open the project.

Have you ran a Nuget Package update? I just noticed all the errors above were nuget errors.

Have you installed .net 6? I know it is retired but originally UE 5.4 didn’t support 8.

Yes I have run Nuget Package update, but it seems to create more problems then it solves so I think I managed to reverse it(but mabe not). I have net 6 installed. At the moment I am in the proccess of repairing visual studio, I will see if that does something.

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