UE5 C++ latest section

What’s up with the latest section of the course? the introducer uses Unreal 4.25 while the name of the course clearly says “UE5”. Also the course itself is poorly explained/organized. will this be an official course or what?

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I don’t think that was intended to be added there; that is the same content that’s in the UE4 course.

I’ve forwarded this along.

This is intentional but I’m going to record a video explain what to expect. Toon Tanks and Simple Shooter are going to be the same as the previous course as very little has changed that affects these two projects and you should be able to follow along just fine in Unreal 5.

You say the course is poorly explained/organized. Could you explain what you mean by this?

compared to the UE4 course its way worse (at least for now ), what I mean by poorly explained/organized is that you started the course with blueprint and explained some concepts that should be explained in C++ first because I’m not gonna memorize and understand all these things while all I’m doing is placing some nodes in the event graph, as soon as I started the second section I felt like I wasted my time. also the lack of instructors, in UE4 course there was an instructor for every section depending on the field but here it seems you’ll be doing all the work by yourself.

I do understand the changes are minimal for what is required to follow the Tanks and Shooter section.
It does however strike me as a bit odd to recycle UE4 content in an UE5 course. Unless there are changes/additions planned to these sections that play better into some of the new features of UE5.

Again, I do understand the reasoning. But If I was a beginner, looking for an UE5 course, I would pass the course where the meat of the content consists of UE4 course material.


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