UE5 C++ course, FRotator is not printing to log

I have been following the course, last night everything was working, I restarted UE and now the UE_LOG won’t print to the log screen. Here’s my code, and yes I know the GetWorld is commented out, it happened when I put that in so it’s my troubleshooting.

// Called every frame

void UGrabber::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)


Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

FRotator MyRotation = GetComponentRotation();

FString RotationString = MyRotation.ToCompactString();

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Grabber Rotation: %s"), *RotationString);

//float Time = GetWorld()->TimeSeconds;

//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Display, TEXT("Current Time is: %f"), Time);


I think instead of “MyRotation.ToCompactString()”. I think it’s supposed to be just “MyRotation.ToString()” instead. To be fair, I haven’t coded in C++ for Ue5 yet, so it might be different, but try "MyRotation.ToString() instead and see what happens.

Ya nothing :frowning: Don’t want to continue because I have a feeling we will be using this shortly. and if it’s not pushing to the log, then I don’t know what’s going on lol

Nevermind, just to give an update, turns out when I restarted UE, it must not have saved my player correctly and it deleted my Component from the blueprint of the player. wow, been looking at this way too long.

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