UE4 image size increases when converted to uasset

Hi guys!

I come from Unity, that uses the assets in the format you import them.
I noticed that UE4 converts all the asset in a .uasset format. Which suprises me. But more suprising is the size increase of the file, after conversion to .uasset.

The original tank image size is 4500 Ko. After importing it to UE4, it becomes a .uasset of 12782 Ko. Almost 3 times the original size!

Then I compressed a little bit the original image, to 1864 Ko hoping that it would convert to a .uasset of less than 10000 Ko.
Nope! The new asset, after conversion, has a size of 11315 Ko! More than 5 times the size of the compressed image!

Do you know what UE4 is doing to our asset to increase the size that much?
And do you know if there are some parameters to play with in order to minimize this increase?


I also had a lot of problems with photo editing. When you want to convert it to another format or to change its size, then the quality goes down, and it is a problem, but I found out how to avoid it. There is a site where I can edit the photo size, but also it is possible to improve the photo quality and even the contrast. If you want, you can check it. So if you are interested, just click on https://imglarger.com, and edit the photo, improve its quality, or whatever you need. If you know other sites that allow editing photos and improve the quality of the photos, let me know.

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