Ue4 crashed and now wont open

i put the ProjectileMovement->bAutoActivate = false; before the createdefaultsubobject which is the wrong way round. I compiled in ue4, it crashed. now i cant open it. how do i fix this. the only thing i can think of is going into the ue4 folder and deleting the projectile blueprint. is this the best fix as ive already corrected the visual studio error and i deleted the uncomiitted changes.

i restarted my computer, then reset to my latest working commit. ue4 is still crashing.

fixed. I regenerated the whole project.

what you can do if this happens again, is fix the error and build the project in visual studio before trying to open unreal again.

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How would you go about doing that? Iā€™m having a similar issue, but I am using C++ in VS Code

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