UE4 Battle Royale Course

A Course designed to teach students the fundamentals of a Battle Royale Game. It will teach how to make a flying object players will be able to spawn from, a gliding system that disables once the player has hit the ground, a weapons system that includes different categories of weapons and throwables, shields and armor, multiplayer enabled in terms of co-op and PvP, and a system that recognizes when there is only 1 team left and ends the game and takes the user back to the menu. It would be important for students to know this especially with the Battle Royale genre of games being very popular these days with titles such as Fortnite, PUBG, COD: Warzone, Apex Legends, etc. it would be almost essential for students to know how to make a Battle Royale Game. If GameDev.tv made a course about Battle Royale, it would allow a whole new field of Developers and Game Designers to express their ideas and make a game that would become very popular and liked by many people.

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