UE Stealth, Pause Menu, too sensitive to input?

Hi there,
In the Unreal Engine, Stealth Game, I’ve just made the pause menu. It is activated and deactivated with one key press (Escape in the example).
It works fine, but I find the key press to be too sensitive: I press once “Esc” and it shows and hides the menu several times, flickering.
In Gorka’s video he doesn’t seem to be having the issue. I haven’t been able to identify any difference in the blueprint (screenshot attached). Would you know if have any issue/easy fix or is it expected?
If not, I think I’ll remove the code to deactivate the menu using the same key as doesn’t look good.


Do it on started or completed instead. Trigger fires once per frame.

Also, FYI, you posted this under Unity.

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Thanks Beegeedee, it works well now after applying your suggestion: I’ve changed the trigger of the Input action IA_Pause to “Started” instead of “Triggered”.

In the video was like that, I obviously missed it.

Also thanks for re-tagging my query, sorry about that. I created it directly from the video using the “New Topic” button in the lecture, but didn’t review the tags, will do next time.

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The Tag - that’s probably a mistake on our part. I’ll see if someone can look at it.

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