UE Ignores Changes in Visual Studio?

I am having trouble that for some reason all changes I make in VisualStudio are ignored in UE. I have tried “clean”, restarting VS & UE, nothing.


UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s is at %s"), *ObjectName, *ObjectPos);

Works as expected. Now when I go and change it to say:

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hi there -- %s is at %s"), *ObjectName, *ObjectPos);

The new change of adding “Hi there” DOES NOT show in the UE LOG.

What the heck did I break?

This is happening in both PositionReport.cpp & in OpenDoor.cpp. Absolutely NO changes made in these files back in back to UE4.

VisualStudio Community 2017 v15.7.6
UE 4.20.1

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Hey stevenc317, have you tried:

  1. Deleting your Binaries/Intermediate folders
  2. Regenerating project files
  3. Rebuilding the Building Escape project from VS and/or UE4 (compile button)

I’m not using the exact versions of VS/UE4 you are, but usually these steps tend to clear up any caching issues.


You are a lifesaver!

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