UE crashed when I init the TArray

There should be something obvious, but I just couldn’t find it. Thanks for your help.

float UOpenDoor::GetTotalActorsMassOnPlate() {
	float TotalMass = 0.f;
	//Find what's on the pressure plate
	TArray <AActor*> OverlappingActors;
	PressurePlate->GetOverlappingActors(OUT OverlappingActors);
	//iterate actors on plate to get the total mass
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index != 3; ++Index)
		//TotalMass += OverlappingActors[Index]->FindComponentByClass<UPrimitiveComponent>()->GetMass();
		//UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s on pressure plate"), *OverlappingActors[Index]->GetName());
		TotalMass += 16.f;
	return TotalMass;

Problem solved. It because I’ve added openDoor component to static actor. Please Ignore this stupid problem.

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