UE 4.27 intellisense problem related to compileCommand.json

Hey team,

I was getting the same issue as the one linked here: Can’t find CoreMinimal.h.

Adding quotes around the path to “cl.exe” worked like a charm, but now every time I “Refresh Visual Studio Project,” the quotes get removed again and I have to go manually add them back in. I do multicursor, and it’s only when I need a new class, but still feels like a major headache. Is there any kind of configuration I can change to make visual studio aware that the path needs quotes around it???

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for all you do.

Is this Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code? The original message you posted about is about VSCode – and I have a fix for that one.

Yes, it’s VSCode. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

Ok, then this will solve your problem. https://gist.github.com/boocs/f63a4878156295b6e854cac68672f305

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