I implemented a different humanoid model for my Player (the correct Avatar is placed). I don’t know how to get it to move properly. It doesn’t seem to respond to me changing the values in the Nav Mesh agent and the walking/running animations aren’t playing either. How should go about solving this problem? I also tried to upload a video here, but rejected it, not sure how to convert it to the right file either.
You can always post a video to YouTube and set it to “Anyone with a link” and provide the link here and I can see it.
I just want to make sure of the issue here:
- Is the character moving at all when you click a location?
- Was it moving when we were using capsules?
- Was it moving with the Character_Knight character?
- Is the character moving, but the animation wasn’t reflecting the movement?
- Is the idle animation working?
- Make sure that the spelling on the parameter in the Animator Blend Tree matches exactly with the name used in the Animator.SetFloat. Like C# itself, it is case sensitive, so speed != Speed
Ok, great: https://youtu.be/v5Bm0QAqkeA
The character moved normally when it had the Knight model. The character moves when I click a location, I also added WASD movement. The idle animation on the new model does seem to work. The only parameter I see is “forwardSpeed”, it looks the same in the blend tree and mover script.