Udemy and Buying the extra?

Hi all, I am loving the course, I have just finished the first part and gotten a slash screen saying if you want more buy the course with a discount. I did that and now I seem to have the course on your website, AND I still have access to all the rest of the course on Udemy as well. So which do I complete? Sorry if this is a problem I have OCD and anxiety and having problems figuring out which to complete or I will end up doing the courses twice… I really having an anxiety attack now as I can not post on the “Other Courses” forum… this is why I posted here.

No stress. If I understand correctly, I think what happened here is you saw an advertisement or trailer for the course and ended up buying it a second time over. That’s definitely a problem we can solve =)

What I would recommend is that you email support@gamedev.tv and explain your situation to them. They will be able to help you further.

That’s up to you! It really depends on which platform you feel more comfortable using (although it’s worth mentioning that the GameDev site is still being upgraded, so any hiccups you might experience here will eventually be resolved).

Enjoy the course!

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