Ubuntu: UEditor fails to launch after building from sources

I built the Unreal Engine version 4.22 from sources on my Laptop running Ubuntu 20.4. When I try to launch UEditor and at 72% I get the following error:

“Plugin ‘SteamVR’ failed to load because module ‘SteamVRController’ could not be loaded. There may be an operating system error or the module may not be properly set up”

The last logs on the console are the following:
[2020.08.20-17.23.36:809][ 0]LogCore: Warning: dlopen failed: /home/michalis/uengine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Steam/SteamVR/Binaries/Linux/libUE4Editor-SteamVRController.so: file too short
[2020.08.20-17.23.36:809][ 0]LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Unable to load module ‘/home/michalis/uengine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/Steam/SteamVR/Binaries/Linux/libUE4Editor-SteamVRController.so’ because the file couldn’t be loaded by the OS.

I searched for the ibUE4Editor-SteamVRController.so and can’t find it in my filesystem.

Is this with a new project?

Actually, it happened after the initial installation. I never managed to launch the editor, thus I never created a project.
While trying to fix it, I ran make UEditor-Linux-Debug and UEditor-Linux-Debug was generated in /Binaries/Linux directory. I ran it and it launched successfully. Does this debug version (I guess) affects performance? If not, I can live with that

I deleted the contents of the Engine/Binaries directory and I rebuilt the sources. Now UEditor launches successfully. Probably the symbolic link for the library wasn’t created, or something went wrong during the installation process and I didn’t notice. @DanM thank you anyways!!

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