Tweaking ship textures

Anyone know how to adjust the texture maps for the provided prefabs? I’d like a white variation, so naturally I copied one of the .png files from red… to white, and figured I’d just do a quick paint job in GIMP. ANYWAY… when I load the new texture into GIMP (or photoshop for that matter), it’s completely empty. Not sure what’s going on.

Any tips?


Hi Peter,

What you described sounds correct so far. When you imported your texture, did you set its texture type to “Sprite (2D and UI)” in the Import Settings in Unity? If so, did you assign the texture to the material?

Hey Nina!
Soooo… I haven’t imported anything into Unity yet. I just duplicated the texture (.png) in unity, and opened it in GIMP where it was blank.

What happens when you open the png in your browser or in another program? Does the texture work in Unity?

Unfortunately, I don’t know GIMP that well, and probably won’t be able to help you with this issue. Maybe @Marc_Carlyon has got a tip for you?

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I would avoid duplicating the file inside unity as that sounds like what may have caused the issue.
I would see about duplicating the png file in the file system and edit from there.
You can always check the original file to see if that opens in gimp directly.

So… to get this thing to work, I opened in GIMP… and just turned off the alpha channel… After that everything shows up, and I was able to make a white variant of the ship. Yay!
Thanks for the help everyone!

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