TurnBasedStrategyCourse_Mac.app.zip resource wont open

TurnBasedStrategyCourse_Mac.app.zip wont open on my imac.

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Go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy. At the bottom of the window you should see a button that forces the execution of the software.

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Cool thanks Yee

If someone else is having this issue but worse:

  1. Open the Terminal.
  2. Write sudo bash.
  3. It will ask for your password, introduce it.
  4. Introduce this code sudo chmod -R 755 press space, drag and drop the App. Press enter. It should look something like this sudo chmod -R 755 Applications\Blablabla
  5. The app should be able to open now.
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tip … when you type in your password nothing shows up as you type but just carry on

i got this after i dragged in the app and pressed enter. I will try again from the beggining

i get this in the terminal

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit https://support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.

yeh still cant open it i will try again later need to get some sleep

done it just followed the instructions on the mac

is there a way of quitting ? demo prototype is great by the way

The Quit is just with Alt + F4 which I believe the equivalent on Mac is Command + W

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Thanks for the quick reply CodeMonkey it’s excellent what you are doing.

I had to force quit i tried using Command + W or Option + W but no worries. It’s great to see what can be achieved as a Term Based Strategy Prototype.

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