TurnBasedStrategy shoot animation needs edit?

I followed the instructions and have my shoot animation triggering as intended, but I’m having an issue with the rifle orientation with respect to the unit holding it.

This seems like the same issue we addressed for one of the two animations in the initial Unit Animator lesson. I’m curious whether there’s something I may have messed up to cause my firing rifle animation to have this misalignment, or if this was just a small tweak that was omitted from the video on the shoot animation?

As someone new to gamedev, I’m also curious how common these types of alignment problems are. Is this kind of per-animation tweaking something I should expect to run into a lot?

Exactly what kind of misalignment? The shoot animation does require a slight tweak like I did in that animation in order to make it aim more correct. You’re saying you followed that but you still have a weird misalignment? Did you record the keyframe in the animation with the new weapon position?

As to how common this kind of problem is, that depends on from where you get your animations. In the course I used Mixamo since it’s completely free so it’s easy for you to get it and use without having to pay money, but the issue with Mixamo is all the animations are relatively basic and many have some tiny issues like that.
If you buy a high quality animation pack from the Unity Asset Store then it likely won’t have these kinds of issues.

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The rotation is off with respect to his hand

possible that I missed this if you tweaked it really fast in the video, but from what I recall there’s a bit of song and dance in cloning it before the modification to clear the readonly flag, etc

But did you record the new position of the rifle? If you don’t record a keyframe then yes it will be off since the Walk and Aim animations have different hand positions.
I covered that in the beginning of the course on lecture “Unit Animator” around 11:20


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