Turn Off Clouds/Haze on Horizon

Is there a way to disable the clouds/haze/fog on the horizon? I went through the docs for the Sky_Sphere and SkyAtmosphere, but nothing I modify seems to touch this.

Hello Alienjon,

It’s likely neither the Sky Sphere or the Sky Atmosphere, but actually the Exponential Height Fog.

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So there wasn’t an Exponential Height Fog in the outliner, but when I added it and configured it then I was able to control all that light via the Fog Density variable. Interestingly, the larger number (it goes to 0.05) removes it entirely whereas the lowest number (0.0) makes the whole lower area covered. This only affects the horizon/sky sphere, so the level itself isn’t touched, but it’ll be interesting to play with. Thanks for the pointer :slight_smile:

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