TT Spawn particles crash when I try to delete 2nd Health inPawnturret&tankfiles

Whenever I delete the Health variable in the Pawnturret file or Tank in the unreal engine it crashes on me.

Sorry for the squished title

Are you using the variable elsewhere in your code?

I don’t know apart from health component

Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4+Licensee/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/Obj.cpp] [Line: 204] Renaming an object (HealthComponent /Game/Maps/Main.Main:PersistentLevel.BP_PawnTurret_3.Health Component) on top of an existing object (HealthComponent /Game/Maps/Main.Main:PersistentLevel.BP_PawnTurret_3.Health_REMOVED_35320B9C4A56A59AE4CD52B7F3E591EE) is not allowed

This is the error I get when I delete it

Try rename the C++ class and compile first before trying to delete it.

Right thank you i’ll try that

It won’t let me rename it

I think it’s far easier to just remake the blueprint.

Sorry but how would I do this

Delete the blueprints and then follow the exact same steps to remake them except this time you don’t create a health component in blueprint.

So delete PawnTurret and tank and just don’t put the health component in

There should already be a HealthComponent on it when you create it again as it was added in C++.

oh i see

I remade them and it gives me this error

UE4Editor_ToonTanks_2477!APlayerControllerBase::SetPlayerEnabledState() [D:\C_Unreal_course\ToonTanks_4.25\ToonTanks\Source\ToonTanks\PlayerControllers\PlayerControllerBase.cpp:11]
UE4Editor_ToonTanks_2477!ATankGameModeBase::HandleGameStart() [D:\C_Unreal_course\ToonTanks_4.25\ToonTanks\Source\ToonTanks\GameModes\TankGameModeBase.cpp:50]

Is this because I need to reconnect them it mentioned Gamebase having references to them

You seem to be missing what the error is. You’ve just shown where it is. Could you post the full log?



UE4Editor_ToonTanks_2477!APlayerControllerBase::SetPlayerEnabledState() [D:\C_Unreal_course\ToonTanks_4.25\ToonTanks\Source\ToonTanks\PlayerControllers\PlayerControllerBase.cpp:11]

UE4Editor_ToonTanks_2477!ATankGameModeBase::HandleGameStart() [D:\C_Unreal_course\ToonTanks_4.25\ToonTanks\Source\ToonTanks\GameModes\TankGameModeBase.cpp:50]

Again, that’s just where. The error should say what the error is.

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000

Is this it?

Could you show your code for TankGameModeBase.cpp?

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