Trying to use a template function e.g. FindAndAssign<T>(AActor* Owner, T*& ToProp)

This isn’t exactly following the video, but I wanted to try to use a template function to do the “find and assign” operations which are already repetitive with 2 components.

Following the example here:

…I defined the function inline in my .h file. But I haven’t been able to get any variation of it to compile.

Anyone who understands template functions in C++/Unreal can take a look and let me know how to fix?

OS: OSX 10.13.3
XCode: 9.3
Unreal: 4.19.1

This is my Grabber.h file that contains the template function:

This is the log of errors I see:


To compile this function and then be able to call it from Grabber.cpp to FindAndAssign PhysicsHandle and Input components


Template function fails to compile with errors in gist above


  • put the template function in .h or .cpp files
  • completely stub out the template function, leaving just the signature w empty body
  • add/remove ‘static’ and ‘FORCEINLINE’ in all combinations
  • compile a minimal template function, e.g. template FORCEINLINE void Foo(T p) {}

OK. The problem was my bad syntax. In case anyone’s interested, this is the correct syntax

template <typename T>
FORCEINLINE bool FindAndAssign(T*& AssignToProperty, FString CompName)
    T* Comp = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<T>();

    if(Comp) {
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Found and assigned required component %s"), *CompName);
        AssignToProperty = Comp;
        return true;
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Missing required component %s"), *CompName);
    return false;

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