Trying to instantiate a text above enemy... code works but text not showing

So guys, I am trying to reproduce an effect from a game where when an enemy gets hit, the damage pops up above them for just a brief second. I made a text mesh pro text box, made it a prefab and made a script that takes this prefab ( the enemy script ) …
When I take damage, I instantiate the TMPUI right above the enemy with the damage … this all seems to work. From the SS below, you can see in the Hierarchy that I am getting TMP clones and if you look at the scene view you will see them above enemies… but in game, you never see the text.
If I pause and inspect these clones they even have the damage set as their text value. Any ideas?

private void ShowDamageText(int damage)
        Vector3 damageTextPosition = transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, 0f); // Adjust the Y value as needed
        TextMeshProUGUI damageText = Instantiate(damageTextPrefab, damageTextPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        damageText.text = damage.ToString();
        Destroy(damageText.gameObject, 5.0f); //made it 5 seconds just to see if I could see it...

I think it’s because they are not in a canvas. There are 2 TextMeshPro versions of text, and I believe the ones you are using require a canvas. When you right-click in the hierarchy to add a game object, you will find - under the 3D Object bits - an option to add Text - TextMeshPro.


3D Object

In code this is not TextMeshProUGUI but TMPro_Text. Afaik, this version does not need a canvas. If you still want to use the version you have, you would have to wrap each of your text fields in a world space canvas - fortunately you have a prefab. The size (yours is huge) will change dramatically.

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YES! This was my problem! Thanks so much! It’s actually TMP_Text in code but yes you were exactly right, thanks a ton!

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My bad, I was pulling from memory. Glad it helped, though

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no bad at all… you saved me from pulling my hair out.

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