Trying to add new feature

Hi. I have finished the bull cow game, and am trying to add a new feature. I want it to be so that one person put is the hidden word and the other one tries to guess it. I have two questions.

I have gotten it to work, but before the program starts, it asks me to put in the hidden word for no reason. When I play again (by typing “y” at the end of the game) it doesn’t do that. Here is my code:

my code

Here is what happens:


I would greatly appreciate if you could help me solve this issue.

As you saw, I had to return a bunch of lines to hide the hidden word. Is there to make the hidden word disappear?

There’s a logical error here that you’re announce the player the length of the isogram at first, then you enter another word, and you should not enter the word when the game is running also, try to give an isogram with the length given by player.

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