Try out my slightly upgraded Block Breaker

I didn’t do a whole lot to this Block Breaker game but the things I did add took me a bit to figure out how to add and get just right. Here are the things I did add.

-Hide Mouse during gameplay
-Couple different personally modified sounds
-An intermission screen between levels

  • A special block type that randomly adds either a power up to the ball or adds another ball in play.
    -An indestructible brick
    -Particle effects for the special brick, the ball power up and a hit effect to the blocks

I think that’s it. I was hard to pull away from just flushing this game out completely but being entirely new to coding I wanted to know how to do things right and not develop bad habits. I did learn a lot delving deeper though. Here’s the link to my brick breaker. Let me know what you think.

Oh the music is by Kevin MacLeod and the song is Impact Prelude. I really like the song and felt that it fit the game. Its under a Creative Commons License. If you want to check out this song or others he made go to:

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Awesome! I love the extra balls!

Its pretty satisfying when you can manage to jungle a couple ball for a bit. I’ll probably come back to it once I’m through the course and add a few more ideas I had. Like, explosion bricks, time slow when three or more balls enter, time based special brick spawning, catching and storing 2 extra balls under the paddle…

I hear ya - I finally had to just move on after spending a week modifying my block breaker. You sure have a better handle on it than I did, though.

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