Try my Improved Testing Ground Game!

A **** Game [Name of “Game”]

This project was build upon the Section 5 Testing Ground Series from Unreal Udemy Course C++. I have changed a couple stuff from the last video of the series.

I have added things like:

* Completely different Weapon System (Own written in C++)
* Different Shoot System , with recoil (There are Some buggs)
* I Have build a Dropping system (key[G])
* I Have build a Pickup system (key[E])
* Made the user able to switch from TP to FP and the otherway around (key[T])
* Different Weapon Meshes (NOT MINE, Its just for learning purposes so no problem I think)
* Changed from Endless runner to a game with a Final Boss. (Pretty easy to switch back)
* Some UI
* Different levels and types of weapon also different types of enemies (with chest opening system.)

After so many hours of content from this course I wanted to release something to the web. I also have spend a lot of time on the additional features listed above.

I try to feel how it is to publish a game so I also made an intro for this project (Bad but still watch) :

(In the clips I play in “Unlit Mode” you can not do this in game, Even I say so in game.(sorry))


This is NOT A FULL GAME even I promote it that way. Even it is not fully functional and complete I wanted to share what I got till now, because I wanted to kinda experience how it is to wrap up an project and “publish” it to the web. I would also like some feedback from u guys on what I could change and improve feel free.

Anyone Can download the project if he wants, there could be useful code in there for example the WeaponBase.cpp

I have used sourcetree but not in a good way , but I have commited the last version

Here is the repositories link:

If the repositorie on github doesn’t work fine you can download it

Directly from my Project folder:!AgmsOMNKUV6Yh95Ti-LhjHlkoyaevw(.rar it’s a big file! ~8gb)

I hope I can improve myself on game development I got great ideas but executing them is very hard, but still I will do my best. So to be updated on what I do please subscribe and follow me and stuff



btw, it is actually challenging - i died more then 5 times when i test played it

Downloading it to try it out now haha, I’ll let you know what I think after I play.

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Well I’m back. It is a bit buggy, but I can tell you worked pretty hard on it. Wish it was in fps though, or the 3rd person was a bit better. I only had the pistol the whole time cus I couldnt find another gun, then ran past everyone and just killed the boss (He doesnt shoot at you if you stand still) haha other than that, i laughed at the jokes. cool game

I was planning on going further with fps, but i had no asset for that like animations, btw you can switch to fps with “T” i made that possible.
And you had to open chests to get new weapons you earn money by killing enemies.
Also you are right the AI is pretty dumb i have also not worked on it further.
The c++ i have written is not the best and refactoring would take me a **** load of time, but if i would write it for the second time I believe i would do it better.
Thanks for your feedback :wink:

Hey, man! It’s an excellent job. I really think you did great by just improving it and making it your own. You’re writing real code for real games and that’s pretty awesome IMO. Keep at it and you’ll be making a polished game in no time!

Keep up the good work mate.

I would recommend sharing on so that folks can install your game in a sandbox.

I absolutely love what you’ve done with it! I would share it on social media but sadly the name isn’t family friendly :frowning:

:rofl::rofl: sorry for that, and thanks

i have uploaded it also there now:****-game

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