Try My CYOQ - 6 Days (Day 0)

The story might be a bit rough as I am a extreme beginner in narrative design, but the point of this project for me was to extend it feature wise past what we cover in the course and make it have some extra game elements.

What I added to it:

  • Health System

    • You do not hit states that kill you in one shot, instead you take damage for the wrong choice
    • The health is represented by the hearts in the top right of the screen
    • There is not enough damage in the game to kill you (Only one damage event at the moment)
    • If you want to see what happens when you die, when you reach the thank you for playing screen, choose Damage Self (Something you should never do in real life)
  • Karma System

    • Some actions will affect your karma score which starts at 0 at the beginning of each playthrough
    • If I created the full story this score would effect events, and then have 3 different endings based on whether you had a positive, negative, or 0 score
    • You can see your Karma score at the end of the game, you can only currently reach -1, 0, or 1 Karma and it has no impact currently on the games events
  • Music and SFX

    • I added a track by JDB Artist, you should check him out for some good music assets.
    • I used a soundeffect from free sounds that will play whenever you take damage
  • Window Flair

    • When you die the background image will turn red and reset whenever you start a new game or return to the start menu

If anyone out there is a writer and wants to work together you should message me sometime.

Also if you find something isn’t working please let me know!

Anyways, thanks for playing it if you did! I hope you found some sort of enjoyment out of it. :sweat_smile:

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Playtesting with my mother found 2 bugs which I have fixed. Sorry for the bugs, I have reuploaded the game, same link should work.


Very ambitious! I can’t imagine how much extra work you had to do (or how to do it) to add the health and karma systems. I really wish I would have added music now… haha.

Anyway, I’ll check it out and let you know my thoughts!

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I just finished a couple of play throughs. This is a solid start to a game! Very atmospheric and moody. The music lends to that, as does the simple photgraph background. If I have any criticisms they’re minor. For one, my eyes suck and the font you used could maybe be sized up just a couple of points.

As a writer, my other notes all have to do with the writing, mostly grammar, phrasing, paragraph breaks. That kind of stuff, but that’s all stuff an editor would help you with if you take this to full game status.

Anyway, great work!

One question…did you have to do anything extra with TexMeshPro to get your quotations to look right in game? Mine are all ending quotations for some reason.

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I’m not sure what you mean by ending quotations but thanks for playing! Yeah, this would mainly just be a quick little intro to what I want to make in the future because the game I have in mind is a much bigger scale project and definitely isn’t a CYOQ, it’s been an idea that has brewed in my head for a while but it is definitely no project I could tackle on my own.

But yeah the writing is where I would love to have someone to work with in the future, I definitely am stronger in terms of designing and coding game mechanics, and am getting better with art day by day. (Practice practice practice)

And the font thing was something my mother said when she looked at it today(had to call me to let me know, but she let me know of two bugs that were messing things up too), if I come back to it I will definitely be adjusting the font in the text box.

I didn’t really mess around too much with TextMeshPro to do anything but make the text look correct in terms of visuals. If you want to explain what you mean by the quotations and share you game with me I’d be down to give it a play through as well cause I did spend a decent amount of time working with it.

Otherwise @CalGameson thank you for giving my short demo a try! I’ll keep my eyes open for your projects as well.

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Hey! Thanks for the reply. I definitely got the sense that this is a story you have put some thought into and that it deserves a larger game than this :slight_smile: Looking forward to seeing where you take it.

I’ll link my game below. You’ll see on the intro screen that the first quotation, that should be curled inward, like you’d normally see at the beginning of a quote, is curled outward, like the end of a quote. It’s really weird, and it may just be something wrong with the font I’m using… But yeah, give it a look if you get a chance.

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