Try a sample of my game in progress

[Try out some levels from my game based on project boost!]


Space = thrust rocket
Left arrow = rotate left
Right arrow = rotate right

Aim of the game

Try to land your rocket safely on the green flashing landing pad.

See if you can pass these hard levels towards the end… do you think they’re too hard? Any feedback is welcome. :slight_smile:


Looking good so far. I like the sense of depth with the foreground objects and the variety of environment sizes and camera angles. Thrust and rotate controls had the right amount of responsiveness for me. To be honest I didn’t find the hard levels all that hard; the biggest problem I had was determining if I was actually over the landing pad on the last level, but it only took one explosion to figure it out. Good luck with the rest of the game.

Hey Iwp112,

I really enjoyed your use of foreground objects as well as varying the different camera movements. Between static, traveling, and panning cameras made the perspective unique. I found the rotation of the rocket a bit too course. A little more fine control would have been appreciated. Your levels were also unique, very creative. Overall, I’d say a great effort. Well done!

Great job! Your colliders aren’t working for the green textures (aka you can drag along any texture that is green without the ship dying).

The down arrow is also mapped to rotate the ship to the left, but the up arrow isn’t, so you have two keys for rotating to the left, and one key for rotating to the right.

Looking good, just minor adjustments but overall awesome context!

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