Hi please can you help?
Expected behaviour : Each “Try” comes back with the current try number
Observed behaviour: Always just returns : “Try 1.”
My code compiles and runs and I have compared it to the notes several times. My guess is that it has to do with setting the int twice but I cannot find it }:
Thank you for the response! I appreciate the help. I have fixed the link.
I thought that the 4th line of Play the game was doing that? Isn’t it?
Here is the link to the lecture notes… with his changes and I cannot see where I have differed from his…
Later on… I stopped the lecture before it ended because I noticed the error. It is apparently supposed to be there at htis point whne I listened further. Thanks for the help @OldDauber !
@Karen_Pasqualucci In this lecture MyCurrentTry is not being updated (and it is always 1 in the lecture code as well), it will be updated/incremented in a later lecture. So I’d say you’re all good at this point