Trouble with Blob Man subdivision modifier

Hey guys!

I have an issue with the modifier - all was going well, but for some reason the end of my character’s feet are flat (seems they didn’t subdivide). I’m lost as to what could have happened - could anyone help?

Thanks so much!


This would suggest that you have two edge loops [extremely close to / on top of] each other. Grant has probably mentioned the concept of “supporting loops” by now for creating harder edges in Subdivision Surface modelling, and it’s likely that’s what happened here. I would check that area for what is more or less a duplicate edge loop and try to delete it or smooth it out.

In Edit Mode, box-selecting the area and selecting Vertex–>Smooth Vertices might be an easy way of doing this. You may still have to tweak things afterwards of course.


Perhaps an edit mode close up could show us the topology, that may five us a clue.


Ahh you were right, that was it!! There was a couple of extra edge loops around the ankles.

I removed the modifier and worked backwards removing the feet parts until I found the duplicates. I then reconstructed the feet, re-added the modifier, and I now have smoother curves. Can imagine this might not be the best practice way of doing it though if it’s a more complex form though…

I also tried your Vertex->Smooth suggestion and that worked too.

I’ll have more of a look into surface modelling as I’m keen to know what caused this issue for future.

Thanks again !


Probably, but however you manage to fix it is all good!

Because of what the problem turned out to be, I’m assuming you mean hard surface modelling. Just wanted to confirm, that’s what you’d want to be looking at for this type of issue. The first guess I would make is that the duplicate edge loop is the result of a failed extrusion, but either way, these are things you will learn to recognize faster/better as you do more modelling. I’m pretty far from being an expert myself. Have fun with the course!


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