Trouble making contact with Gamedev.TV

I purchased “Grant’s Blender Beginner Pack” on the 16th of June. I sent a refund form on the same day, and I havn’t heard back from since.

The next day I called their phone number and the number is out-of-service. The day after that, I sent an email to explaining the situation. I havn’t heard back from any of my attempts to make contact. What’s going on?

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@Marc_Carlyon , @NP5

Use the contact tab top right you see on this page.
Same as the link below.

Contact | Contact Team of Video Game Coding Expert Instructors —

Hi Starry,

I am sorry to hear that you have not heard back from us about your refund.
If you used the contact form NP5 has suggested above then the below may apply.
It all depends on when you sent your message as the checks are done daily and the sales team are not available over the weekend.
What i think has happened is that you sent your refund after fridays checks were done and so it would not have got picked up until today.

If you have not heard anything by the end of today please do let me know here and i can take a look into why that has happened.

Hope this helps

Edit :- I have checked the support mails myself and i can see that there has been a reply to this from Jamie 5 minutes ago, Please check your mails and allow 5 working days for the refund to be processed


Thank you Marc. Perhaps there should have been a heads-up on the main site saying that messages are not dealt with on weekend. I wondered what was going on.

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