Trouble Instantiating Camera2D Node in Godot

Hello everyone,

I’m currently working on the lesson related to the reference video, and I’ve encountered an issue with Godot. Specifically, I’m unable to instantiate the Camera2D node.

I’ve thoroughly reviewed my code, and even downloaded the code from the course resources, but the engine still fails to create the camera when running the game scene.

Is there any specific configuration I should be aware of? This is my first time creating a camera as a non-child node.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards, Don

Problem solved!

Not idea why this happened in the first place, but reloading the scene script from the editor (usind the inspector) resolved the issue

I can no longer reproduce the problem, so I can’t definitively say whether it was a bug or an unrelated mistake on my part. However, please be aware that modifying the files in the resources directory did not solve the problem when I initially attempted that.

Anyway, sorry for any inconvenience caused

Best regards, Don

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