Trouble applying modifier

Hello everyone, I have followed all the steps so far to reach the following result. I have listened and reproduced every single step but when I add the modifier (the armature modifier) and I select from the menu the Lamp Rig this is what happen. Is it possible that is caused because the mesh’s position when I created the vertexs groups? Please some help… Thank you in advance

I think it might have to do with what position your lamp parts were in when you joined them. You should join the mesh when the timeline is at the start, and put your armature in rest mode. Then join the meshes. Also, if you have animation keyframes for the lamp base, select the base last when joining, that way it will keep its key frames.

However, if you base moves (like Jumping) but your armature does not, it will cause your lamp to explode. Your armature and lamp mesh have to stay in the same relative location to prevent this.

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