Trophy animation different between design-time and run-time

Ok, so I have my animation designed (or at least partly designed) to have a star poop out of the trophy when the top his the bottom. Animation in the editor during design time looks great. But when I run the game, the star animation is different, both in editor and game windows. Specifically the position of the star. The position is animating, but in a completely different way that I designed. It almost looks like there there are two composite animations competing or something. Here is a video, starting with the animation during design time, and then clicking play to see it at runtime. The star is selected, so you can see the motion even when it’s invisible (animating alpha).

Things I checked and confirmed:

  1. The top, bottom, and star are all direct children of Trophy.
  2. There is an Animator (and only 1 Animator) only on the Trophy parent (not on the star).
  3. The only script attached to any of the objects is the Defender script, which just increments the count of stars.
  4. There are no other events on the animation.
  5. There is only one animation in the animation controller.
  6. If I remove the position of the star property in the animation, the position indeed doesn’t animate, both in editor and in running game. (Confirmed: nothing else is affecting the position of the star)
  7. If I add back position as an animation property, but don’t muck with it, the position doesn’t update (design time and runtime).
  8. As soon as I try animating the position, I immediately see position animation difference between design time and runtime. So it seems conclusive that this one change is somehow being mis-interpreted or mis-applied between design-time and runtime.

Any help much appreciated!


Check if you animated the position of your trophy.

Nope. But even if I were, why would that make it animate differently between design time and runtime?

I ended up recreating the whole trophy, and the problem did not come back. I wish I knew what the difference was. Oh well.

Without knowing anything about your project, it’s impossible for me to answer this question.

I’m glad that recreating the trophy fixed the problem. :slight_smile:

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