TrippleX Bug in my code

I am playing around with trying to make the trippleX game on my own to see if i can. I am having a bit of trouble with my code, if you enter a non-integer in the guess portion, the loop just runs 5 times (MaxTries number) and exits. I am using to check for non-integers after declaring the input variables as int’s. This works in a “closed” test but in the method mentioned below it fails, i expect it to return an array of int size 3 holding 1, 1, 1 and then proceed to check that against the pre-defined code. I’m not sure what the problem is to be honest.


i think this is because the std::cin will stop processing after the first instance of a non-integer. So i guess my question would be what is a good way to account for a non-integer or should i just let it convert to 0 ?

#include <iostream>
#include <array>

// print intro
void PrintIntro()
    std::cout << "Enter the correct code to live. When you fail, I take your life.\n";
    std::cout << "Your guess friend: \n";

// print hints
void PrintHints(std::array<int, 2> CodeHints)
    std::cout << "There are 3 numbers in this code. \n";
    std::cout << CodeHints[0] << " Is what the code adds up to.\n";
    std::cout << CodeHints[1] << " is the product of the code.\n";

// Check Guess
std::array<int, 2> &CheckGuess(std::array<int, 3> Guess, std::array<int, 3> Code)
    int CorrectPlace = 0;
    int CorrectNumbers = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < Guess.size(); i++ )
        for ( int j = 0; j < Code.size(); j++)
            if ( Guess[i] == Code[j])
                if ( i == j)
                } else

    std::array<int, 2> GuessCount = { CorrectPlace, CorrectNumbers};
    return GuessCount;

// get guess returns array of size 3
std::array<int, 3> &GetGuess()
    int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC;
    std::cin >> GuessA >> GuessB >> GuessC;
    if ( )
        std::cout << "Only integers are allowed you dirty human.\n";
        std::array<int, 3> Guess = { 1, 1, 1 };
        return Guess;
    std::array<int, 3> Guess = {GuessA, GuessB, GuessC};
    return Guess;

// Setup Code and Generate Hints
std::array<int, 2> &SetCode(std::array<int, 3> Code)
    int CodeSum = Code[0] + Code[1] + Code[2];
    int CodeProduct = Code[0] * Code[1] * Code[2];
    std::array<int, 2> CodeHints;
    CodeHints = {CodeSum, CodeProduct};
    return CodeHints;

// main game
void PlayGame()
    std::array<int, 3> Code = { 2, 3, 7};
    std::array<int, 2> CodeHints = SetCode(Code);
    std::array<int, 3> Guess =  GetGuess();
    std::array<int, 2> GameWon = CheckGuess(Guess, Code);
    bool HintShown = false;
    if (HintShown == false)
        HintShown = true;
    if ( GameWon[0] == 3 )
        std::cout << "Unclear how you made it, but you may live.\n";
    } else
        std::cout << "I have a right to your life, when and how I may choose.\n";
        std::cout << "You had: " << GameWon[0] << " numbers in the correct place.\n";
        std::cout << "You had: " << GameWon[1] << " numbers correct, but in the wrong place.\n";

int main()
    int MaxTries = 5;
    int CurrentTry = 1;
    }while ( CurrentTry != MaxTries); 
    return 0;

if ( )

If this is true then it will be true for the rest of the program. You need to clear the fail bit and discard the buffer.


First line clears the failbit so std::cin can extract characters again
Second extracts a character and discards it. If you want to discard the entire contents of std::cin instead of just a single character then you would need to #include <limits> and then do this instead

std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

std::streamsize is the type used for std::cin's stream size
std::numeric_limits allows you to get the numeric limits of a type e.g.
std::numeric_limits<int>::max() would give you the max size of an int.

On a side note addition and multiplication are both associative and cumulative so the orders of the operations don’t matter i.e. a + b + c == b + c + a.
So someone can get the code “correct” according to the message in your intro but not validate your check.

And in your functions you are returning a reference to a local variable. Local variables are destroyed at the end of their scope so returning a reference to that would mean referencing something that no longer exists.

Awesome! i should have looked more closely at the documentation for and I wouldn’t have had to bother you. I just assumed that once std::cin hit a fail condition it would clear the buffer and allow the next iteration to pass.

For the side note, i want the user to guess not only the numbers but the ordering as well. Not that anyone will be running this but me : )

That was more of a “just in case you aren’t aware” side note :stuck_out_tongue:.

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