TripleX Showcase

int main(){

// Starting Lines to explain the game
std::cout<<"You are a secret agent breaking into a secure server room\n";
std::cout<<"You need to enter the correct codes to continue...\n";
std::cout<<"The three codes that you enter must add up to 8 and their product must be 18\n";

// Declaring variables to get User Input 
int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC; 
int Sum, Product;
Sum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC; 
Product = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

// Game Conditions 
if(Sum==8 && Product==18){
    std::cout<<"Congrats! You have Won\n"; 
    TryAgain: // Defining a label to allow the user to play the game as many times as he wants - 1
    std::cout<<"Do you want to try again?\n";
    std::cout<<"Enter Y for yes or N for no\n";
    char OptionWin;
    if(OptionWin == 'Y' || OptionWin == 'y')
        goto StartGame; 
    }else if(OptionWin == 'N' || OptionWin == 'n')
        std::cout<<"There seems to be an error! Please try again\n";
        goto TryAgain;
    std::cout<<"Snap! You have lost\n";
    RestartSelect: // Same as 1
    std::cout<<"Do you want to try again?\n";
    std::cout<<"Enter Y for yes and N for No\n";
    char OptionLose;
    if(OptionLose =='Y' || OptionLose == 'y')
        goto StartGame;
    }else if(OptionLose == 'N' || OptionLose == 'n')
        std::cout<<"There seems to be an error, Please try again\n";
        goto RestartSelect;
return 0;


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