TripleX level difficulty to state ordinal numbers

Hello, I am a fresh beginner to C++ and wrote a story to my triple X game to reflect a haunted mansion theme.

I’ve written my code to state the player is on (number) floor of the mansion, but a better way to put it would be “You are on the 1st/2nd/3rd floor”. Is there a way to increase the level difficulty using ordinal numbers?
Below I have all of the code I have written thus far. (I am on Lesson 28 Function Parameters).

Could write a function. Would need to introduce std::string which hasn’t been taught .

#include <string>

std::string GetOrdinal(int Value)
    switch (Value)
    case 1:
        return "first";
    case 2:
        return "second";
    case 3:
        return "third";
        return "unknown";

A switch statement is like a series of if's. More info on them:

For what I understand about #include , #include is pulling from a different library?

I wrote the function under iostream like this:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

std::string GetOrdinal(int Value)


    switch (Value)


    case 1:

        return "first";

    case 2:

        return "second";

    case 3:

        return "third";


        return "unknown";



And then in PrintIntroduction I put:

std:: cout << "You are trapped inside a haunted mansion. You find yourself locked inside a room on the " <<GetOrdinal(Difficulty);

 std::cout << " floor.\n\n";

It seems to work!

Sorry for formatting issues, I dont quite understand how the forum formats just yet. I have a screenshot for clarity

You can indent by 4, surround with 3 backticks like so

code goes here

Or use the </> button.

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