TripleX - Hallway of Infinite Doors

A repeatable series of random numbers is important to me for another project so I thought I’d give the player some level of control over their randomness. Introducing the infinite hallway.

There are only 5 levels per door, but you have up to another 5 chances to try again. You can choose the same door to get the same sequence you initially tried, or go through a new door to get another. I could have made it harder but I needed to solve it myself :slight_smile:

#include <iostream>

const int ENDING_LEAVE = 0;
const int ENDING_FAIL = -1;
const int ENDING_WIN = 1;

void AskSequence(int Difficulty, int CodeSum, int CodeProduct)
    if (Difficulty > 1)
        std::cout << "> You've made it to level " << Difficulty << ".\n";
        std::cout << "> Another terminal requests you enter three numbers to continue.\n";
        std::cout << "> A terminal requests you enter three numbers to continue.\n";
    std::cout << "> The codes add up to: " << CodeSum << "\n";
    std::cout << "> The codes multiply to give: " << CodeProduct << "\n";

int GetRandom(int Difficulty)
    return rand() % (Difficulty * 2) + 2;

bool BeginSequence(int Difficulty)
    // decare
    int CodeA = GetRandom(Difficulty);
    int CodeB = GetRandom(Difficulty);
    int CodeC = GetRandom(Difficulty);
    int CodeSum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC;
    int CodeProduct = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC;

    AskSequence(Difficulty, CodeSum, CodeProduct);

    int PlayerGuessA, PlayerGuessB, PlayerGuessC;
    std::cin >> PlayerGuessA >> PlayerGuessB >> PlayerGuessC;

    // std::cout << "You entered: " << PlayerGuessA << " " << PlayerGuessB << " " << PlayerGuessC << std::endl;
    int GuessSum = PlayerGuessA + PlayerGuessB + PlayerGuessC;
    int GuessProduct = PlayerGuessA * PlayerGuessB * PlayerGuessC;
    if (GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct)
        // Success
        return true;
        return false;

bool EnterDoor()
    const int MaxDifficulty = 5;
    int Difficulty = 1;
        bool bSequenceComplete = BeginSequence(Difficulty);
        if (bSequenceComplete)
            return false;
    } while (Difficulty <= MaxDifficulty);
    return true;

void PrintIntroduction(int DoorLength)
        << ".                                                                              .\n"
        << ".                                                                               \n"
        << "                                                                                \n"
        << "                .'.                                          .''                \n"
        << "                .;:;.                                       .::,                \n"
        << "                .,:c.                                       ,c:,.               \n"
        << "                .lxo.                                       ;xxc.               \n"
        << "                .d0x.     ..     .,;,,'...,,;;.      ..     :O0o.               \n"
        << "                'kXk.    .;.  .  ;KNXXK00KXNNKc  .. .;'     :0Xd.               \n"
        << "                'ONk'    .c. .. .;0NNXKKKKXNNK:. .. .c;     :KNx.               \n"
        << "                ,0Nk'    .l' ....;ONXXNNNXXXN0:. .. .c;     :KNx.               \n"
        << "                ,0NO'    .l' ....;0NNXNWWNXNN0:. .. .c;     :XNx.               \n"
        << "                ,0WO'    .l' ....:0NNNWMMWNNNKc.... .l:     :XWk.               \n"
        << ".               ,0W0'    .o' ....'llllloolllll,.... .l:     cXWk.              .\n"
        << ".               ,KW0'    'o' ..                  .. .l:     cNWO.              .\n"
        << "'.              ,KW0,    'o'                        .l:     lNWO.             .'\n"
        << ":'.             ,KMK,     .                          ..     oNWO.           ..':\n"
        << "l:,..           ;KMK;                                      .oWWO.          ..;co\n"
        << "dol:'..         ;KNk'                                       :0WO'        ..,:lox\n"
        << "kxdlc;'..       'c,.                                         .:c.      ..,;codxk\n"
        << "Okkxdoc:,..                                                          ..;:lodxkO0\n"
        << "K0OOkxdl;.                                                             .;lxkO00K\n"
        << "XK00Okl'                                                                .'ck0KXX\n";
    if (DoorLength == 0)
        std::cout << "In a hallway of infinite doors, time stands still.\n";
        std::cout << "You must have entered incorrectly as you're back in the hallway.\n";
    std::cout << "Each door has a unique integer above the door frame.\n";
    std::cout << "One particular door stands out above the rest. Door Zero.\n";
    std::cout << "Select the door that you wish to enter:\n\n";

int EnterHallway()
    const int MaxDoors = 5;
    int Doors[MaxDoors]{0};
    int DoorLength = 0;
    int *DoorIndex = 0;
    int SelectedDoor;

    // get input. What door. Upon door, if door exists in array, show
        // Show intro
        // Get the door the player wants to go into.
        std::cin >> SelectedDoor;
        // You selected the exit door
        if (SelectedDoor == 0)
            return ENDING_LEAVE;

        // Check if selected door was already selected.
        // std::cout << "Current Door Length: " << DoorLength << std::endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < DoorLength; i++)
            // std::cout << "Checking: Doors[" << i << "] = " << Doors[i] << " = " << SelectedDoor << std::endl;
            if (Doors[i] == SelectedDoor)
                std::cout << "Something feels off. Like an odd sense of deja vu.\n";
        std::cout << "\n";

        // Add the door to the list of all doors previously selected.
        Doors[DoorLength++] = SelectedDoor;
        // std::cout << "Added: " << SelectedDoor << " = " << Doors[DoorLength - 1] << " to Doors[" << DoorLength - 1 << "]\n";

        bool bCompletedSequence = EnterDoor();
        if (bCompletedSequence)
            return ENDING_WIN;

        // begin reset Dificulty, start door(dificulty);

    } while (DoorLength <= MaxDoors);

    std::cout << "You find yourself back home unexpectedly.\n";
    return ENDING_FAIL;

int main()
    int Status = EnterHallway();
    if (Status == ENDING_WIN)
        std::cout << "With the tasks complete, you are taken to a distant paradise.\n";
    else if (Status == ENDING_LEAVE)
        std::cout << "Wondering if you will ever get a chance in the infinite hallway again, you return home.\n";
        std::cout << "Disappointed, you find yourself back home unexpectedly.\n";

    return 0;
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Haha maybe just one more difficulty where it’s so hard even you can’t beat it… we will calll it the impossible challenge :sunglasses:

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