TripleX - Final Code

Hello everyone!

This is my final code for the TripleX game. I spent close to two weeks watching all of the videos and building the game. I will say I have some code in my TripleX game that was not mentioned in the videos. I do apologize for the lack of creativity since I didn’t add any unique story to my TripleX game. Constructive criticism is welcomed!


  1. The game starts at a menu to either play the game, get info, or exit the game.
  2. There are three difficulties to choose from, which are Easy, Normal, or Hard.
  3. There is a Tutorial mode with unlimited tries.
  4. The game is suppose to get progressively harder.

Worthy Mentions - Topics Not Discussed:

  1. Namespaces.
    Line 5 has “using namespace std;”. This was used so I didn’t have to type std::cout or std::cin all of the time.

  2. Prototypes
    Lines 8 to 10 are prototypes. They are required since the methods are below the main and without them the program will not build.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

// Prototypes
void MenuOptions(int OptionNum);
void PlayGame(int SetDifficulty, int DoTutorial);
bool RunGame(int Rounds, int Difficulty, int IncreaseDifficulty, bool LimitedTries, int MaxTries, string Mode);

int main()
    int UserOption;

    // Seed rand to system's time.

    // Loop through the menu options.
        cout << "Welcome to TripleX!\n\n";
        cout << "Select a menu option.\n";
        cout << "1. Play\n";
        cout << "2. Info\n";
        cout << "3. Exit\n";

        cin >> UserOption;

        // User inputs a menu option between 1-3, otherwise will be prompted to try again.
        while(!cin || UserOption < 1 || UserOption > 3) // cin will trigger fail (1) when input cannot be converted to int.

            cout << "Please reselect a menu option as a number.\n";
            cin >> UserOption;

    } while (UserOption != 3);  // Option 3 closes the game.

    return 0;

// Performs what menu option the user selected.
void MenuOptions(int OptionNum)
    int Difficulty, DoTutorial;

        case 1: // Play TripleX
            cout << "\nSelect your difficulty to start at?\n";
            cout << "1. Easy\n";
            cout << "2. Normal\n";
            cout << "3. Hard\n";

            cin >> Difficulty;

            while(!cin || Difficulty < 1 || Difficulty > 3)

                cout << "Please reselect the difficulty as a number.\n";
                cin >> Difficulty;

            cout << "\nDo you wish to start the tutorial? (Recommended for beginner players)\n";
            cout << "1. Yes\n";
            cout << "2. No \n";

            cin >> DoTutorial;

            while(!cin || DoTutorial < 1 || DoTutorial > 2)
                cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');

                cout << "Please reselect whether to skip the tutorial or not.\n";
                cin >> DoTutorial;

            PlayGame(Difficulty, DoTutorial);
        case 2: // Give information on TripleX
            cout << "Information:\n\n";
            cout << "TripleX is a number game that will give you hints to help you solve the puzzle. There are multiple rounds and you only have so many tries.\n";
            cout << "Need help? Try out the tutorial! To access the tutorial, play the game, set your difficulty, and select yes for the tutorial!";
        default: // All else fails, push terminal message.
            if(OptionNum != 3)
                cout << "Menu option not recognized! Option: " << OptionNum << endl;

// Sets up the game's settings and starts the game.
void PlayGame(int SetDifficulty, int DoTutorial)
    // Tutorial settings.
    const int TutorialMaxRounds = 2;
    const int TutorialDifficulty = 4;
    const int TutorialMaxTries = 1;

    // General settings.
    const int MaxRounds = 5;
    const int IncreaseDifficulty = 2;
    const int MaxTries = 5;

    // Mode settings.
    const int EasyDifficulty = 5;
    const int NormalDifficulty = 7;
    const int HardDifficulty = 10;

    bool IsCompleted; // Is the game completed?

    if(DoTutorial == 1) // Option 1 for starting tutorial.
        cout << "\nWelcome to the tutorial!\n";
        cout << "During the tutorial, you will have two rounds and unlimited tries. This will give you the opporunity to understand the game.\n\n";
        RunGame(TutorialMaxRounds, TutorialDifficulty, IncreaseDifficulty, false, TutorialMaxTries, "Tutorial");

        cout << "\nCongratulations on completing the tutorial! The real game is about to begin!\n";

    if(SetDifficulty == 1)
        IsCompleted = RunGame(MaxRounds, EasyDifficulty, IncreaseDifficulty, true, MaxTries, "Easy");
    else if (SetDifficulty == 2)
        IsCompleted = RunGame(MaxRounds, NormalDifficulty, IncreaseDifficulty, true, MaxTries, "Normal");
        IsCompleted = RunGame(MaxRounds, HardDifficulty, IncreaseDifficulty, true, MaxTries, "Hard");
        cout << "CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully beat the game!\n\n";
        cout << "Better luck next time! Consider trying the tutorial or playing the game on an easier difficulty.\n\n";

// Run the game according the game's settings.
bool RunGame(int Rounds, int Difficulty, int IncreaseDifficulty, bool LimitedTries, int MaxTries, string Mode)
    int NumberA, NumberB, NumberC;
    int Guess1, Guess2, Guess3;
    int Sum, Product, GuessSum, GuessProduct;
    int Tries = MaxTries;

    bool HasWon = true;
    cout << "\nWelcome to TripleX!\n";
    cout << "Let's play!\n\n";

    for(int i = 1; i <= Rounds; i++)
        cout << "-- Difficulty: " << Mode << "\t -- Level: " << i << " / " << Rounds << "\t -- Tries: " << Tries << endl << endl;

        NumberA = (rand() % Difficulty) + i;
        NumberB = (rand() % Difficulty) + i;
        NumberC = (rand() % Difficulty) + i;

        Sum = NumberA + NumberB + NumberC;
        Product = NumberA * NumberB * NumberC;

        cout << "Hints:\n";
        cout << "The sum of the three numbers is: " << Sum << endl;
        cout << "The product of the three numbers is: " << Product << endl << endl;
        cout << "Type in your three guesses in the following format: # # # (1 1 1)\n";

            cin >> Guess1;
            cin >> Guess2;
            cin >> Guess3;

            GuessSum = Guess1 + Guess2 + Guess3;
            GuessProduct = Guess1 * Guess2 * Guess3;

                cout << "\nGuesses were typed in an incorrect format!\n";
            else if(GuessSum != Sum || GuessProduct != Product)
                if(Mode != "Tutorial")
                    Tries -= 1;
                    cout << "\nTry again! Remaining tries: " << Tries << endl;
                    cout << "\nTry again! You can do it!\n";


        } while ((GuessSum != Sum || GuessProduct != Product) && Tries > 0);
        if(GuessSum == Sum && GuessProduct == Product)
            cout << "\nGood job! You got the correct answer!\n\n";
            Difficulty += IncreaseDifficulty;

        if(Tries <= 0)
            HasWon = false;

    return HasWon;

Wow! Very impressive work!

Well done! :wink:

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