This is the art I made use of for my TripleX game.


void PrintIntroduction()


//Intro Art

std::cout << " ______   ______     __     ______   __         ______     __  __    " << std::endl;

std::cout << "/\\__  _\\ /\\  == \\   /\\ \\   /\\  == \\ /\\ \\       /\\  ___\\   /\\_\\_\\_\\  " << std::endl;

std::cout << "\\/_/\\ \\/ \\ \\  __<   \\ \\ \\  \\ \\  _-/ \\ \\ \\____  \\ \\  __\\   \\/_/\\_\\/_  " << std::endl;

std::cout << "   \\ \\_\\  \\ \\_\\ \\_\\  \\ \\_\\  \\ \\_\\    \\ \\_____\\  \\ \\_____\\   /\\_\\/\\_\\ " << std::endl;

std::cout << "    \\/_/   \\/_/ /_/   \\/_/   \\/_/     \\/_____/   \\/_____/   \\/_/\\/_/ \n" << std::endl;

//Print Welcome statement

std::cout << "You are in the process of robbing the biggest bank in the world!...\n";

std::cout << "You have reached the vault where the Gold is stashed and need to enter the correct codes to continue... \n";


void LossArt()


 std::cout << "          _ ._  _ , _ ._\n";

std::cout << "        (_ ' ( `  )_  .__)\n";

std::cout << "      ( (  (    )   `)  ) _)\n";

std::cout << "     (__ (_   (_ . _) _) ,__)\n";

std::cout << "         `~~`\\ ' . /`~~`\n";

std::cout << "              ;   ;\n";

std::cout << "              /   \\ \n";

std::cout << "_____________/_ __ \\_____________\n";


void PlayGame()



// Declare codes

const int CodeA = 0;

const int CodeB = 0;

const int CodeC = 0;

const int CodeSum = CodeA + CodeB + CodeC;

const int CodeProduct = CodeA * CodeB * CodeC;

//Print CodeSum and CodeProduct of codes to the terminal

std::cout << "\n+ There are 3 number in the code\n";

std::cout << "+ The codes add up to: " << CodeSum << "\n";

std::cout << "+ The codes multipy to give: "<< CodeProduct << "\n";

// Store player Guesses

int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC;

std::cin >> GuessA;

std::cin >> GuessB;

std::cin >> GuessC;

int GuessSum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC;

int GuessProduct = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

//Check if players Guess is correct

if(GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct)


    std::cout << "\nSuccess, you're in better hurry!!!";





    std::cout << "Wrong Codes, you've set off the alarms. Good luck";



int main()



   return 0;


1 Like

Great job with the art!

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