Triple X ASCII art

  • Sweet and Simple :slight_smile:
 _______  _                  _______      _       
(_______)| |                ( ______)    (_)
 _       | | _    ____       \ \   ____   _   ____   ____
| |      | || \  / _  )       \ \ |  _ \ | | / ___) / _  )
| |_____ | | | |( (/ /    _____) )| | | || || |    ( (/ /
 \______)|_| |_| \____)  (______/ | ||_/ |_||_|     \____)
You enter The Spire and find a door on the other end. 
You must enter the correct numbers to move through the next door...

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I checked the code online and found this one and it looked quite good so I copied the code ( just the art part )

int DoorOpen()
    std::cout << R"(
|\ ___________ /|
| |  /|,| |   | |
| | |,x,| |   | |
| | |,x,' |   | |
| | |,x   ,   | |
| | |/    |   | |
| |    /] ,   | |
| |   [/ ()   | |
| |       |   | |
| |       |   | |
| |       |   | |
| |      ,'   | |
| |   ,'      | |
)" << '\n';

    return 0;

//failure message function
int YouAreDead()

    std::cout << R"(
/                                                       \
|                         WASTED                        |
\_________              _______________________________ / 
          \_         __/    ___---------__               
            \      _/      /              \_             
             \    /       /                 \            
              |  /       | _    _ \          \           
              | |       / / \  / \ |          \          
              | |       ||   ||   ||           |         
              | |       | \_//\\_/ |           |         
              | |       |_| (||)   |_______|   |         
              | |         |  ||     | _  / /   |         
               \ \        |_________|| \/ /   /          
                \ \_       |_|_|_|_|/|  _/___/           
                 \__>       _ _/_ _ /  |                 
                          .|_|_|_|_|   |                 
                          |           /                  
)" << '\n';

    return 0;


I try ~~

#include <iostream>
using std::string;

string replace_all() {
  const auto ASCII_template = string("\
    SSS               SS           SS\n\
    SSS               SS           SS\n\
    SSS               SS           SS\n\
    SSS               SS           SS\n\
  return ASCII_template;

void PlayGame(){
    std::cout << replace_all() << std::endl;
    //story line starts here
    std::cout << "You are a secret agent breaking into a secure server room...\n";
    std::cout << "You need to enter the correct codes to continue...\n \n";

    //declaring initial variables for the code
    const int CodeA = 2;
    const int CodeB = 3;
    const int CodeC = 4;

    const int CodeSum = CodeA+CodeB+CodeC;
    const int CodeProduct = CodeA*CodeB*CodeC;

    std::cout << " + There are 3 numbers in the code\n";
    std::cout << " + The code sums up to: " << CodeSum;
    std::cout << "\n + The code multiply to: " << CodeProduct;
    std::cout << "\n\nEnter the code to continue...\n\n";

    int GuessA, GuessB, GuessC;

    //getting user code input
    std::cin >> GuessA >> GuessB >> GuessC;

    int GuessSum = GuessA + GuessB + GuessC;
    int GuessProduct = GuessA * GuessB * GuessC;

    //validating user code
    if (GuessSum == CodeSum && GuessProduct == CodeProduct)
        std::cout << "Brilliant! You made it. Now hurry up and move your ass. They are coming for you!";
        std::cout << "Beep! Beep! Alarms have been triggered and traps crushed you like jellybean";

int main()
    return 0;


I am not fluent in English, but this is my attempt:

Here is my introduction…
Screen Shot 2022-01-04 at 11.06.21 AM

This is my super simple attempt. for greeting, winning, and losing.

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This has been a lot of fun :slight_smile:


Hello Mr.Milory
Thank You For The course
With Out That I Can’t To Be In Epic Games Now

ok, so im even getting proud of my Magic Potions game !

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